Ever wondered who the streets of Trott Park are named after? Dig deeper and you’’ll discover that Brack, Heysen, Nolan, Klippel or Drysale are just some of the 40 artists named in this unique suburb. Want to be part of a project that explores this and more histories of Trott Park? A community engaged project is taking place right now and we are seeking people to be involved.

In 2017 OSCA worked with the artists Ann-Marie Green, Henry-Jock Walker and James Dodd to undertake a long term community engaged project that focused on Trott Park’s unique claim to fame as the suburb with the most streets named after Australian artists.

Through a diversity of artistic strategies and multi-layered approaches linked directly to a community consultation process, the team has developed a series of design based responses and participatory activities that…. link the processes of adventure and the exploration of new landscapes to strategies of working en plein air and the artists’ camp. James Dodd

Commissioned by the City of Marion

Stage 1 / NOV 2017 – A series of artistic interventions and gatherings took place across Trott Park as well as a 1 day community gathering on the 26th November at the Trott Park Neighborhood Centre

Stage 2 / JULY 2018 – A series of 9 digital artworks by Henry Jock Walker and Rosina Possingham have been created for street poles in Trott Park.


2017 – 18

Project Artists

Project Partners

Commissioned by the City of Marion

Related Projects


Our mission is to provide artists and non-artists with opportunities to create contemporary works that explore local ideas and new way of coming together in the public domain.

OSCA acknowledges we work on Kaurna Land – always was, always will be.

OSCA is funded by Arts South Australia. We also receive project support from the Australia Council, the City of Port Adelaide Enfield, Country Arts SA and the City of Onkaparinga.