Digital Landscapes supports the development of a new model of artistic collaboration between two established artists and OSCA that harnesses the democratic space of the digital world and brings it to the space of site-based participatory art practice.

Digital Landscapes explores the potential of user-friendly, COVID safe digital technologies that encourage new ways of thinking and working with diverse individuals, voices and approaches. This shift in access to user-friendly mobile technologies with high-end outcomes supports the potential of community-based processes between artist and non-artists to greater levels of professional production and creative capacity.

Since 2021, OSCA has initiated a series of digital drawing workshops in Burnside, Prospect, Pinnaroo that have lead to a series of site-based outcomes as part of the 2022 Nature Festival. New projects are currently in development in Andamooka, Athol Park, Port Adelaide, and Port Noarlunga. Project partners include the City of Onkaparinga, Charles Sturt and Port Adelaide Enfield.

Collaborating artists

Rosina Possingham is a multi-disciplinary artist, designer and photographer creating large-scale drawings and maps through the extensive use of digital and software programs. Project: Prospect Paste Up

Laura Wills works across the discipline of drawing through paint, mapping, installation, and projected light drawing for live performances. Project: Nightlines

This project is supported by Arts South Australia. OSCA would also like acknowledge the City of Onkaparinga for their small equipment grant to support this ongoing project.

IMAGE by Laura Wills. Title – Pakapakanthi / Victoria Park


Ongoing since 2021

Project Artists

Project Partners

The Department of Premier and Cabinet Arts Recovery Fund,
The City of Burnside
City of Onkparinga
City of Port Adelaide – Enfield
City of Charles Sturt

Related Projects


Our mission is to provide artists and non-artists with opportunities to create contemporary works that explore local ideas and new way of coming together in the public domain.

OSCA acknowledges we work on Kaurna Land – always was, always will be.

OSCA is funded by Arts South Australia. We also receive project support from the Australia Council, the City of Port Adelaide Enfield, Country Arts SA and the City of Onkaparinga.